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3. Full toolkit for Culture, Diversity and Inclusion


Our full Culture, Diversity and Inclusion toolkit will guide you through five phases of development of culture, diversity and inclusion.

The cost to you of our full Culture, Diversity and Inclusion toolkit depends on the income of your charity:

  1. Income less than £500,000 per year = £500 per year.
  2. Income between £500,000 and £5 million per year = £1000 per year.
  3. Income over £5 million per year = £2500 per year.

When you see that inclusive behaviours are beginning to drive change in day-to-day experience at your organisation, the next step is to embed that improvement for the long-term.

This is the point when you need to start transparent, collaborative and psychologically safe conversations about culture, inclusion and belonging. These discussions can inform your strategy, policies and higher-level approach that provides context for the behaviours on the ground.

You may already have some resource for supporting culture, diversity and inclusion at your organisation, but with this toolkit there will be no need for them to reinvent the wheel.

This specially selected set of tools will mean they can get started immediately with supporting your people to take action.

Our full Culture, Diversity and Inclusion toolkit will guide you through five phases of development of culture, diversity and inclusion:

  1. Strategy and planning
  2. Data and measurement
  3. Communication
  4. Education
  5. Embedding

The toolkit is designed for organisations to be able to use independently.

However, we recognise that some organisations find it useful to talk through challenges with an external perspective, so there is also an option for you to receive direct support from a member of the Charity Culture Catalyst team alongside the full toolkit.

Who is the full Culture, Diversity and Inclusion toolkit for?

Leaders and organisations who are ready to take the next step in developing a culture where every member of every team adopts positive, inclusive behaviours so everyone thrives.

Preview our Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit

Preview our Culture development Toolkit

What people say about our toolkit

“Our strategy is about what we do, and how we do it. The 3C toolkit and support has enabled us on our journey to becoming a more diverse and inclusive organisation and living up to our values in everything we do.”

“We are ambitious about building the leadership and culture we need to enable our people to work at their best. The behavioural framework that we developed with the 3C toolkit and support ensures we are all living our values and are holding each other to account for continual improvement.”

Cost and payments

The cost to you for a one year subscription to our full Culture, Diversity and Inclusion toolkit depends on the income of your charity:

  1. Income less than £500,000 per year = £500 per year.
  2. Income between £500,000 and £5 million per year = £1000 per year.
  3. Income over £5 million per year = £2500 per year.

The full cost is £2500 for one year. If you would like to apply the codes for the reduced cost, please get in touch with us

If you would prefer to pay an invoice, please contact


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