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0.3 Performance Catalyst


You can use these AI-powered tools as much as you like to boost up your performance development conversations.

If you haven’t done it already…start by creating and sharing your personal profile. Write down what people appreciate about you, what’s important to you and how best to support you. Then share it with your manager. A great way to connect and help them help you. And ask them to share their profile too!

Having a SMART objective is useful for knowing what it is that you are supposed to be doing. But it’s surprisingly hard to achieve. Use our little tool to add your draft objective and it will SMART-en it up for you. Your objectives could be about your role, your career or your learning and personal development.

The third tool is an AI powered chatbot which exists to help you review what you’ve done and how you’ve done it. It will provide you with a summary at the end of the conversation which you might find useful to share with your manager.

The fourth tool exists to help you articulate what it means to live the values of your organisation. Sometimes it’s hard to know what ‘Integrity’ or ‘Compassion’ or ‘Trusted Expert’ means in terms of what you do day to day. So you can add your values in to the tool and it will suggest some ideas.

Last and not least, we’ve got a role profile generator. If you are thinking about your career and have a role in mind that you are aiming for, tap in a title and hit ‘Generate’ and we’ll give you an idea of what that role might be.

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You can use these AI-powered tools as much as you like to boost up your performance development conversations.

If you haven’t done it already…start by creating and sharing your personal profile. Write down what people appreciate about you, what’s important to you and how best to support you. Then share it with your manager. A great way to connect and help them help you. And ask them to share their profile too!

Having a SMART objective is useful for knowing what it is that you are supposed to be doing. But it’s surprisingly hard to achieve. Use our little tool to add your draft objective and it will SMART-en it up for you. Your objectives could be about your role, your career or your learning and personal development.

The third tool is an AI powered chatbot which exists to help you review what you’ve done and how you’ve done it. It will provide you with a summary at the end of the conversation which you might find useful to share with your manager. Use the little white squares at the top right of each message to copy the text and then you can paste it into an email or wherever else you need to.

The fourth tool exists to help you articulate what it means to live the values of your organisation. Sometimes it’s hard to know what ‘Integrity’ or ‘Compassion’ or ‘Trusted Expert’ means in terms of what you do day to day. So you can add your values in to the tool and it will suggest some ideas.

Last and not least, we’ve got a role profile generator. If you are thinking about your career and have a role in mind that you are aiming for, tap in a title and hit ‘Generate’ and we’ll give you an idea of what that role might be.

Speaking of performance development, you might be interested in Performance Management. If you’re considering the use of AI-powered tools in performance development, then the Artificial Intelligence article might be of interest to you as well. For those focused on personal growth, the article on Personal Development could provide valuable insights. Furthermore, if you’re keen on understanding more about SMART objectives, why not consider reading up on
