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Whit Sunday / Monday commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Christ’s disciples. In the Eastern Orthodox Church the day is dedicated to the honour of the Holy Spirit with services held on both the Whit Sunday and Whit Monday. Who celebrates? It is celebrated by Christian, Catholic and Orthodox churches around the world… Read More »Whitsun


Ascension of Mary is the celebration of the ascension of Virgin Mary to Heaven. It is often seen as a symbol of the promise made by Jesus to all enduring Christians. Who celebrates? People of the Catholic, Eastern and Oriental Orthodox faith around the world. How do people celebrate? Ceremonies are held in Catholic and… Read More »Assumption

All Saint’s Day

All Saint’s Day is a Christian celebration to honour all of the Saints throughout history. Although many Saints have dedicated dates to honour them, this day celebrates those who have attained heaven, but their sainthood is only known to god. Who celebrates? It is celebrated by the Catholic, Anglican Communion, Methodist, Reformed and Lutheran and… Read More »All Saint’s Day

Immaculate Conception

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception celebrates the belief in the Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Conception. Many families will attend their local church followed by a family meal. There are no parades or public events on this day. Who celebrates? People of the Christian faith around the world, particularly people of the Catholic faith. How do… Read More »Immaculate Conception

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