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Have a look at our online shop where you can review our prices and buy our toolkits.

If you are buying on behalf of your organisation and you want to pay with an invoice, please get in touch and we will sort that out for you.

We don’t charge VAT.

Our Catalyst for Inclusion toolkit is yours for a one off payment of £249.

The cost to you of our full Culture, Diversity and Inclusion toolkit depends on the income of your charity:

  1. Income less than £500,000 per year = £500 per year.
  2. Income between £500,000 and £5 million per year = £1000 per year.
  3. Income over £5 million per year = £2500 per year.

The price for the full Culture, Diversity and Inclusion toolkit with 10 hours of human support also depends on the income of your charity:

  1. Income less than £500,000 per year = £1500 per year.
  2. Income between £500,000 and £5 million per year = £2000 per year.
  3. Income over £5 million per year = £3500 per year.


We prefer to talk this through with you, but we usually charge between £400 and £600 per day to facilitate projects.

The cost depends on the size and nature of the project.
