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Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan

You can use this plan to identify what you need to do to take action for diversity and inclusion.

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NumberActionDetailNotesPillarStakeholders exampleMeasure example
1Engage your board and leadership TeamDeliver an engagement session for your board and top teamHaving the backing of your board and leadership Team is essential for the success of your D&I plan. We recommend you deliver a session for them as a priorityStrategy and planningExec Team / Board / HRBoard and Exec Team commitment
2Create and agree your strategyCreate a D&I strategy that aligns with your organisaitonal strategyTo demonstrate D&I as a priority and how it aligns with your organisation strategy it's helpful to create a D&I strategy and agree it with your Board and Executive Teams.Strategy and planningExec Team / Board / HR / ServicesCommunication internally and externally
3Agree your prioritiesTailor this plan We have created this template project plan that consists of the know acitons requried for any D&I plan. You will need to tailor the plan to your prioritie and resources.Strategy and planningExec Team,/ All divisional leadsCommunication of key priorities internally and externally
4Create a data informed project planUse your diversity and inclusion data to create a project plan specific to your challenges and requirementsThis template focuses on general D&I actions. Your D&I data will help you create a plan specific to your needs. If you are just beginning to collect D&I data we recommend that this action takes place 1 year after you have started collecting diversity data.Strategy and planningHR / Services / Divisional LeadsIdentifaction of priority actions
5Agree targetsAgree reasonable yearly internal and external targetsOnce you have collected your diversity and inclusion data you may wish to set annual targets. Strategy and planningExec Team / Board / HR / ServicesTargets communicated internall and externally
6Collect internal diversity dataCollect diversity data from employees and volunteersCollecting diversity data is a complex project. Our guide provides recommendations and templates to help you on your journey.Data and measurementLegal / informaiton governance / HR / ITDiversity disclosure rates
7Collect external diversity dataCollect diversity data from donors, service providers and service usersData and measurementLegal / informaiton governance / Services / ITDiversity disclosure rates
8Create diversity dashboardsCreate quarterly D&I dashboards for internal and external diversity data. Communcate and store the dashboards and ensure appropriate ownership of the data.Creating dashboards will ensure that your diversity data is regularly reviewed and understood and drives actionData and measurementHR / Services / RecruitmentCreation
9Understand your internal diversity dataCross reference your diversity data with other internal people data to understand what's driving itIn order to create an action plan specific to your needs you will need to understand what is driving your diversity data and this is done by cross-referencing it with other internal data such as performance, recruitment and exits.Data and measurementHR / Recruitment / L&DCreation
10Understand your external diversity dataCross reference your diversity data with other external data to understand what's driving itTo understand what's driving the diversity of your reach you will need to understand what your specific barriers are. For example, whether you are attracting diverse service users or loosing them somewhere along the way. Data and measurementServicesCreation
11Collect internal inclusion dataCollect inclusion data from candidates, employees and volunteersCollecting inclusion data from all levels of your employees and volutneers will help you understand what's driving your diversity data. You will also want to ask candidates how inclusive they have found your recruitment process to understand why you may not be attracting diversity.Data and measurementHR / Leadership TeamParticipation rates
12Collect external inclusion dataCollect inclusion data from service usersCollecting inclusion data from your existing service users is important to understand and compare the inclusivity of different services.Data and measurementServices / Service user invovlement / OperationsParticipation rates
13Collect inclusion data from non service usersCollect inclusion data from non service usersMore imporant that collecting inclusion data from service users is asking non services. That will enable to you to understand what's driving the diversity of your services.Data and measurementServices / Service user invovlement / OperationsParticipation rates
14Create inclusion dashboardsCreat quarterly D&I dashboards for internal and external inclusion data. Communcate and store the dashboards and ensure appropriate ownership of the data.It's helpful to communicate inclusion dashbaords along side your diversity dashbaords to enable your people to understand their diversity data and what they need to do differently to increase the diversity of their divisions.Data and measurementHR / Services / RecruitmentCreation
15Create an Internal comms pageCreate a page where your people can find all information, tools and resources related to D&IWhere you host your D&I page has to be right for you. But options include your intranet or your internal social media siteCommunicationsInternal communications, Volunteer engagement, Employer brand, organisatinal developmentPage views in comparison to other internal pages
16Create and share D&I plansShare a high level view of your D&I plans so that your people know what you're up to and can hold you to account. Continue to update your people as your plans progress.You can do all the work on your D&I plan but if people aren't aware of what you're up to it won't have as much of an effectCommunicationsInternal communications, Volunteer engagement, Employer brand, Senior leadership teamsPage / email views in comparison to other communications
17Create and share an Inclusion calendarCreate a D&I calendar with information and practical tips for colleagues, managers and service usersYou can use our template D&I calendar and sign up to our MailDrops to get the right information at the right time and send it to your people on a platform that works for you.CommunicationsInternal communications, volunteer engagement, employer brand, service user involvementPage views in comparison to other internal pages
18Inclusion calendar - key campaignsSelect key campaigns from your D&I calendar to celebrate days most relevant to you.There may be key D&I calendar days that correspond with your D&I priorities. You can use them to raise awareness of specific diversity groups or just to create a feeling of inclusion across your organisation. For example Deaf Awareness Week or International Men's Day.CommunicationsInternal communications, Volunteer engagement, Employer brand, Senior leadership teamsPage views/ likes attendance / engagement in comparison to other internal pages
19D&I plan campaignsCreate campaigns specific to your D&I plan As well as communicating what you're up to with your D&I plan you can help support it with specific campagins. The more your people understand, the more engaged and supportive they'll be. For example what inclusion means to you, why diversity data is imporant and what to do with it, or how to recruit diverse volunteers. CommunicationsDependent upon your prioritiesPage views/ likes attendance / engagement in comparison to other internal pages
20Create diversity specific campaignsCreate diversity specific campaignsFor example, if your data is telling you that you are not reaching service users with disabilities, you will want to create a campaign that raises awareness of this fact, educates people on disability and what it means to you, and how to be more inclusive and accessible for people with disabilities. CommunicationsDependent on your prioritiesPage views/ likes attendance / engagement in comparison to other internal pages
21Create and publish an External comms pageCreate a page where people outside your organisation can find all information, tools and resources related to D&IWhere you host your D&I page has to be right for you. But it's key that the page is easily locatable from different sections of your website, not lost among the careers site. CommunicationsExternal communications / marketing, recruitment, Employer brand, Services / OperationsPage views in relation to other external pages
22Share D&I plans externallyShare a high level view of your D&I plans so that people outside your organisation know what you're up to. Continue to update externally e as your plans progress.Sharing your plans externally will help you organisation commit to them as well as ensuring that people externally know that D&I is important to you. CommunicationsExternal communications / marketing, recruitment Employer brand, Senior leadership teamsPage views in relation to other external pages
23Inclusion calendar - key campaignsSelect key campaigns from your D&I calendar to celebrate days externally that are most relevant to you.Aligning with your internal key campaigns you may want to share your activity externally as well as delivering external events. This will help raise your profile with certain groups but will also provide an opportunity to talk to people about how to make your organisation more inclusive for them. For example Pride parades, Mela festivals, International Day for People with Disabilities. CommunicationsExternal communications / marketing, recruitment, Employer brand, Services / OperationsPage views / likes, attendance / engagement in comparison to other external pages
24D&I plan campaignsCreate campaigns specific to your D&I plan As well as communicating what you're up to with your D&I plan you can help support it with specific campagins. The more your service users, donors and potential employees and volunteers understand, the more engaged and supportive they'll be. For example why D&I is important for your specific cause and if some groups are more effected than others.CommunicationsExternal communications / marketing, recruitment, Employer brand, Services / OperationsPage views / likes, attendance / engagement in comparison to other external pages
25External D&I partnershipsForm D&I partnerships with targtted external Diversity organisations and host shared events and communicationsidentify diversity groups where you need greater inclusion and understanding and reach out to appropirate organistations. For example Sikh Council UK, Intercharity LGBT Network, Black Thrive.CommunicationsExternal communications / marketing, recruitment, Employer brand, Services / OperationsIncrease in communications, services and recruitment from diverse communicites
26Social media activityIdentify and engage targetted social media groups in line with local diversity needsIdentify diversity groups where you need greater understanding and inclusion and use socail media to understand and engage. Start by joining appropriate social media groups to understand and build trust. Only once trust is built begin asking for volunteers to help educate you and volunteer in your charity.CommunicationsExternal communications / marketing, digital recruitment, Employer brand, Services / OperationsSocial media followers from diverse communciites, likes and shares.
27Share D&I personal storiesUse diverse volunteer, employee, donor and service user stories to showcase inclusion in your organisation externally.Sharing stories of your volunteers, employees and service users experiences will help provide role models for diverse groups and showcase your inclusion. CommunicationsExternal communications / marketing, digital recruitment, Employer brand, Services / OperationsPage views / likes, engagement in comparison to other external pages
28Identify your D&I learning needsUse training needs analysis (TNA) to identify your educational gaps specific to your orgnaisaiton.Align your TNA to your diversity data so that you can also support people to include and support diversity groups that you are under-representing. EducationL&D / HR Business parters / ServicesCompletion
29D&I for Executives and BoardsEngage your board and excutive team as key stakeholders for your D&I journey. Provide them with the skills and tools to reole model inclusion and lead the agendaWe recommend implementing your inclusive leadershp assessment before their development session. This will provide key areas to work on and provide a pre and post metric. EducationL&D / Exec Team / BoardInclusive leadership assessments
30D&I for leadersProvide all your leaders inclusive leadership trainingIt's important that inclusive leadership is consistent across your leadership team. We therefore recommend that this training is mandator for all of your leaders. Your inclusive leadership assessment may help identfy specific areas of development.EducationL&D / Exec Team / Leadership teamInclusive leadership assessments
31D&I for managersOffer all managers inclusive management trainingManagers are essential to making sure that people feel included and you can reach diversity internally and externally. Ideally inclusive management should be embedded in your existing management training or an inclusive management module is created. EducationL&D / HR Business PartnersInclusive management assessment
32D&I basics moduleEnsure all of your people understand their basic equality, diversity and inclusion responsibilitiesWe recommend using a tailored module that uses divisonal case studies so that everyone understand why ED& is important to their role. EducationL&D / HR Business PartnersInclusion survey
33InductionEmbed inclusion in your induction programmeTo ensure that all new starters are aware of the D&I responsibilities and the support available we recommend embedding D&I within your induction programmeEducationL&D / HRInclusion survey
34D&I for recruitmentEmbed D&I in your recruitment training for volunteers and employeesRather than having a separate D&I module for recruitment, embed D&I in your employee and volunteer recruitment training. Then it is part of the way you recruit, not an added extra. EducationL&D / RecruitmentDiversity / recruitment statistics / candidate inclusion survey
35D&I for performance managementEmbed D&I in your performance management trainingBy embedding inclusion in your performance management training you are making it an essential part of management, not an added extra. EducationL&D / HR / ODDiversity of perfromance data
36Diversity specific trainingTraining to create awareness and competency around specific groups. For example caring for older LGBT+ people or being an anti-racism ally.Your diversity data will help inform you of the diversity specific training you need to prioritise. For example if you are not reaching people of the Muslim faith, specific diversity training on religions may help.EducationL&D / ServicesDiversity data / Inclusion survey
37D&I ownership and governanceEnsure that a specific role is held accountable for D&I plans and progress and this is communicated internally and externallyA single person should be internally and externally responsible for your D&I commitments to ensure that it is given the attention and responsibility reuqired for progress.EmbeddingExec team / HR / ServicesCompletion
38Grievance processDefine a process for reporting grievances and D&I related incidents and communciate to all employees, volutneers and service uersEmbeddingHR / Policy / Legal / ServicesCompletion
39D&I policyCreate an internal D&I policiy and communicate it to all employees, volunteers and service usersHaving a clear D&I policy will enable people to understand their D&I responsibilities. We recommend making it available internally and externally.EmbeddingHR / Policy / Legal / ServicesInclusion survey
40Reasonable Adjustment PolicyCreate and communicate a robust reasonable adjusmtnets policy and processHaving a robust and inclusive readonable adjsutment sprocess is essential for attracting and retaining people with disablities internally and externally. EmbeddingHR / Policy / Legal / ServicesDisability diversity statistics
41Embed inclusion with all of your people policiesIncluding recruitment, performance management, parental leave, sick leave, holidayYour D&I principles and language should be woven through all of your HR policies so that inclusion is embedded within the way you workEmbeddingHR / Policy Employee and volunteer inclusion survey
42Embed inclusion with all of your service policiesIncluding individual service policies, and equality impact assessments where requiredYour D&I principles and language should be woven through all of your service policies so that inclusion is embedded within the way you workEmbeddingServicesService user inclusion survey
43Embed inclusion within L&D practcies and processesIncluding accessibility, reasonable adjustments, inclusive examplesInclusion should thread through all of your learning internally and externally. Example standards include accessibility and diverse examples / case studies. EmbeddingL&D / ServicesDiversity of learning uptake
44Embed inclusion into your IT practices and processesIncluding accessibility and reasonable adjustmentsInclusive and accessible IT platforms are essential specifically for people with disabilities. By setting standards around the platforms you use you will attract and retain more diverse people and service users. EmbeddingIT / HRDisability diversity statistics
45Embed inclusion into your facilities practices Creat inclusive standards for your buildingsInclusive facilities are about more than just accessible buildings. For example it's also important to consider the temperature you keep your offices and services and having wellbeing spaces for prauer and mental health.EmbeddingHR / Facilities Disability diversity statistics
46Embed inclusion into your marketing and communciation practicesCreate inclusive standards for your internal and external communcation practicesThe way you communciate with people, the images and the words you use can unconsciously be attracting certain communities and not others. By having inclusive standards you are more likely to reach everyone with your services. EmbeddingMarketing / Communications / HRExternal diversity statistics
47Gender pay gap reviewComplete and communicate your gender pay gap reviewAlthough only organisations with more than 250 employees are required to complete a Gender Pay Gap report, we recommend that all orgnaisaitons complete the review and publish the report externally. This will help you plan to address the gap, and show true committement. EmbeddingHR / FinanceCompletion
48Ethnicity pay gap reviewComplete and communciate your ethnicty pay gap reviewAlthough ethnicity pay gap reporting is not yet mandatory we recommend that all orgnaisaitons complete the review and publish the report externally. This will help you plan to address the gap, and show true committement. EmbeddingHR / Finance
49Embed inclusion within your benefits and rewards practicesEnsure you have the right rewards and benefits to attract and retain the right people. This will be informed by your diversity data.Not all rewards and benefits have to cost the earth but can really help you retain and attract diversity. For example if your data is telling you do not hire enough people with disabilities then introducing disability related paid leave may help. EmbeddingHR / legal / finance / policyRecruitment diversity statistics
50Embed inclusion within your recruitment and attraction practivesShare diverse volunteer and employee stories on your careers page Showcasing the diversity that you already have internally will help you attract more diverse applicationsEmbeddingRecruitment / commsRecruitment diversity statistics
51Embed reasonable adjustmentsEmbed reasonable adjustments within your recruitment processHaving a clear reasonable adjustments process for recruitment will help you attract and select more volunteers and employees with disabilities.EmbeddingRecruitment / HRRecruitment diversity statistics
52Create inclusive templates for job descriptions and advertsCreate inclusive templates for job descriptions and adverts Having inclusive job descriptions and adverts is essential for attracting diverse applications. For example ensuring inclusive language, required criteria only and having an inclusion statement.EmbeddingRecruitmentRecruitment diversity statistics
53Create an inclusive application processCreate an inclusive application processHaving an inclusive application process is vital to recruiting diversity. For example avoiding cover letters and remoging names from applications. EmbeddingRecruitmentRecruitment diversity statistics
54Create an inclusive interverview processCreate an inclusive interverview processEnsuring that every candidate has an inclusive interview will enable you to recruit more diversity. For example providing hiring managers guides on bias free interviewing and having diverse panels. EmbeddingRecruitmentRecruitment diversity statistics
55Diversify where you advertiseDiversify where you advertiseIf you continue to advertise volunteer and employee roles in the same places, you will likely get the same level of diverse applications. Your diversity data will help you understand your diversity gaps and our Guide to inclusive recruitment will give you ideas as to where you can advertise to increase diverse applications.EmbeddingRecruitment / financeRecruitment diversity statistics